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What Is Your Life Change Saying?

Writer's picture: David WarrenDavid Warren

John 9: His neighbors and others who knew him as a blind beggar asked each other, “Isn’t this the man who used to sit and beg?” Some said he was, and others said, “No, he just looks like him!” But the beggar kept saying, “Yes, I am the same one!” 10 They asked, “Who healed you? What happened?” 11 He told them, “The man they call Jesus made mud and spread it over my eyes and told me, ‘Go to the pool of Siloam and wash yourself.’ So I went and washed, and now I can see!” 12 “Where is he now?” they asked. “I don’t know,” he replied. 13 Then they took the man who had been blind to the Pharisees, 14 because it was on the Sabbath that Jesus had made the mud and healed him. 15 The Pharisees asked the man all about it. So he told them, “He put the mud over my eyes, and when I washed it away, I could see!”

If you are like me "I want evidence to see something actually happened." The media of that day is commenting on every little thing that happens. Everything from "Jennifer Lopez just broke a nail, and she is so hurt because of it, to Bigfoot was seen boarding an alien ship with two children under his arms." Too much information and most of it is lies sadly enough. The man who was healed by Jesus was quizzed by those who were seeking to prove Jesus was not the Messiah, but a trickster. His neighbors were surprised to see the man who had been blind from birth was now walking around and he could really see. They even asked him to clarify he was the same man, and he said the following verse But the beggar kept saying, “Yes, I am the same one!” Then they asked him tell what he did to make this happen. Verse 11 He told them, “The man they call Jesus made mud and spread it over my eyes and told me, ‘Go to the pool of Siloam and wash yourself.’ So I went and washed, and now I can see!”

When Jesus came into my heart I didn't really know all of what had happened, but through the study of God's Word I found out, so that when I was asked I knew what I was talking about. Peter dealt with this subject in 1 Peter 3 where he says this in verse 13-16 13 Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. 15 Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 16 But do this in a gentle and respectful way. Keep your conscience clear. Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ.

Everything in my life points back to the redeeming power of Jesus Christ, and what He has done should be shared with whoever, wherever I go. In verse 12, those who confirmed this guy was the blind man they had seen for years, got curious about where this healer was, and the healed man said, "I don't know." When we live this life of victory in a lost world that needs salvation, they will see the effect of our relationship with Jesus, and then they will probably ask, "Where is He?" and how can I get this? You become the ambassador of the hope of salvation at that moment when they are searching, and you are called to share your story of salvation.

THE RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD HERE. Paul said it this way in 2 Corinthians 5:18. And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. 19 For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. 20 So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” 21 For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ. Just let the scripture sink in, and Jesus will speak to your heart and help you get to where you need to be if you aren't there right now. You are the church, and I say, "Come alive, yes, come alive!!" When you follow that call you are allowing your life change to come to life and that is your life call.

Today's Message,

David Warren

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