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He Called You?

Writer's picture: David WarrenDavid Warren

Luke 5: 27 Later, as Jesus left the town, he saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at his tax collector’s booth. “Follow me and be my disciple,” Jesus said to him. 28 So Levi got up, left everything, and followed him. 29 Later, Levi held a banquet in his home with Jesus as the guest of honor. Many of Levi’s fellow tax collectors and other guests also ate with them. 30 But the Pharisees and their teachers of religious law complained bitterly to Jesus’ disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with such scum?” 31 Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.32 I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.”

Levi (Matthew) was an unlikely person Jesus called to follow Him. When we are called by Jesus to follow Him, we are being called by the one who made us, who knows us, who sees who we can be, and Jesus knows what “can be.” I guess I am talking about the possibilities when we follow God. Of course I am. Those the world has classified a certain future for, God sees a different plan, or course. In my dreams I was going to be a singer/songwriter and I knew that was what “I” wanted to do with my life. I set on that course and took piano lessons for over 16 years, studied professional music at a reputable university, and displayed my wares by playing keyboard and singing in numerous rock bands. I had an opportunity to follow my dream and take it to a new level, but that was when Jesus entered the picture and said “follow me.” No one was more shocked than me when this happened, but His call was so precious, so personal, so real, and I accepted that call.

As I studied scripture I read that i needed to leave my dream and follow God’s call for my life. In this call I soon found out I had to leave all of those things behind and only follow where Jesus led me to go. I knowingly gave up close family ties because I was not going to be a “hometown” local minister. There is nothing wrong with those who are called to that, but Jesus' calling on me has sent me on travels that have eclipsed over 25,000 miles when I add in all the short term mission trips. I did not bargain on all of the different places we have lived, but in trying to follow God I did not put restrictions on “where” I would go. I just went, and my family just went with me, and I give huge props to my wife, Andra, and her willingness to follow me as I followed God’s call on my life. She still follows that call and encourages me as I continue to listen to God and do only what He calls me to do.

I have four grown children and they were born in various places like West Plains, Missouri, Jonesboro, Arkansas, and Livermore, California. When Seth was born in Livermore, California Andra and I wept because we were all alone in the family area, but our Heavenly Father rejoiced with us over the birth of Seth. Oh sure, sacrifices have been made, but God’s call trumps all of those sacrifices and His grace is sufficient. What I thought was impossible, God made possible and He is still doing it.

Matthew was an unlikely candidate for following Jesus, and so am I. Of all the places He has led me, I can only hope that He made some kind of an impact through me. Some may have heard I was called and said “He Called You?” To which I would have to say “Yeah isn’t that crazy?” But Jesus is real good about taking those people that others might discount and making them usable for His kingdom work. I am one of those unlikely people, so the calling of Matthew makes total sense to me, as I am unworthy of the call and value it as my life’s direction. Even in my very limited capacity, God’s grace continues to make me useable and His call is still echoing in life, and I will follow that call as long as He gives me strength.

I am humbled that Jesus looked at me and said “David. Come follow me!” ME? “Yes, You, He said.” So that is what I did. I packed up my weak and limited life and followed Him. The rest is for what He wants to do from there on. I am willing. I was a sin sick person who needed His healing grace and Jesus threw in a lifelong call to serve Him. What a great deal! Are your ears open to hear His call? If not, open up and you might hear Him call you to a life of vision and purpose that will impact your world. Since He called me, He can surely call you too.

The Pilgrimage Continues,

David Warren

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