Jealous (def) - to feel resentment, bitterness, or hostility toward someone because they have something that you don't.
First of all, how can we feel love for someone if we feel resentment toward them? WE CAN'T!! When love is evident in our lives, we live out of a Godly love, and that love is pure and not lacking in any area. The conclusion would be to experience God's love fully and a jealous love will not be a part of our life. The confidence we get from being loved by the creator of the universe dispels any thoughts that we are "less than." Then jealousy cannot take up residence in our hearts.
This is just another reason to draw closer to God in our relationship and all of the wrong attitudes about love will fall away. What comes along with an inaccurate love that is prompted by jealousy is a lifestyle that boasts and thus becomes proud or rude. This wrong love is the beginning of other problems in our life and takes on a whole new element that is hazardous to our lives and our witness. When jealousy is part of a person's life other things will kick in to cover their need for approval. In Christianity a byproduct of this wrong kind of love is a person who is very judgmental and their "spirituality" is rooted in a heart of jealousy. What else happens is they think their standard for living is the best and lord that over others. They are the person who always has to show you they are the best dressed, in the know, person and if you don't follow what they say you are not in the right. This is all a cover for their jealous protection to cover their inadequacies. This lifestyle seems powerful, but in reality they are struggling to keep up the "look" of being the "best" at everything, which is where the boasting and rudeness comes from.
As you can see, one thing leads to another and their self confidence is fed by the wrong thing and God's love is not a part of their life, because their heart is wrong. Social organizations are a breeding ground for this kind of false love and they only compound the problem by making a person feel they are right. A person who is worldly falls deeper into this kind of love and the end result is unhappiness. This not the result from the love of God that we should be seeing because there is a better way to live and that way would be rooted in the love of God. If you are a person who demands your own way then you are deep into this wrong kind of love expression and you need to get out before it controls you in other areas of your life. This love can be seen in all kinds of personalities and even those who seem humble and kind can still be exhibiting this kind of love in a passive aggressive personality. The only difference with this kind of person is they have become so good at this love they can mask what their real heart is and thus stay away from being found out, but God knows.
If would seem that James 4:10 would apply to getting back to a Godly love where James says 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor. True happiness and Godly contentment will be the result of getting the right kind of love back on the throne room of your life and God can repair this wrong kind of love. Paul spoke to this kind of love in 1 Corinthians 13:Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way.
If we are filled with the right kind of love why would jealousy become a part of our lives? Answer: IT WON'T! Time to get right and let God repair your heart with the right kind of love and the rest will be victory. Benjamin Franklin wrote the following It is the eyes of other people that ruin us. If all but myself were blind, I should want neither a fine house nor fine furniture.
Vesselogical Out,
David Warren