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The Wisdom of Christ

Writer's picture: David WarrenDavid Warren

When you think about being “smart” what do you think about?  I am sure our education system comes into play at some point, if not the whole point.  We have become  “conditioned” to believe that we don’t have value if we don’t get all the education we can acquire.  We devote ourselves to going to college and getting a Bachelor Degree and then to get more pay we sign up for a Master Degree.  I have worked with numerous pastors who at the time I was serving in church with them they were doing the “Doctor of Ministry” degree.  It seems that all fall into the category of wanting to be more educated, but is that education the best source for living our lives?  Perhaps not.  You may feel educationally inadequate when studying God’s Word or finding direction for your life.  Of course, that is not the case.  You don’t have to be a well-studied person to know the will of God.  But you do need to have a close and growing relationship with Christ, because Jesus takes our inadequacy and makes us abundant.  John 10:10 says 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.  Part of this abundance is the source of wisdom for growing in the Lord that is necessary to live a sanctified life.

Life at it’s best is life that is centered on the fact that we are nothing without Christ and everything with Christ.  That reality is being missed by those of you who don’t feel you have much in the area of spiritual growth.  God has taken care of that reality by causing Jesus to become not only a one time Savior, but also an on time Lord.  Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 1:30 30 But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption.  Jesus has become all the things we need in life and in the list above Paul lists wisdom, righteousness, and sanctification.  By the way, I believe those are the big three and apparently Paul felt the same way.  Everything we need to live life is available in our relationship with Jesus.  To pursue knowledge is helpful, but to pursue Christ is necessary.  

This levels the playing field in so many areas and those who have devoted their lives to the study of worldly knowledge will put their elevated personna because of their years of study in a humanistic university ahead of your basic relationship with Christ every time, because that is all they know.  But the Word of God says we find everything we need for living an abundant life in a relationship with Christ and that relationship is an ever-growing relationship of wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption that elevates the inner person and the outward expression of that is Godliness accompanied with wise living.  Of course, we know that Jesus is all we ever need.  When we are hurting He is the Wonderful Counselor. When we feel weak He is Mighty God.  When we need companionship He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.  When we are distressed, He is the Prince of Peace.  When we need leadership, we see the government is on His shoulders.  When we need salvation is the Eternal Father.  Jesus is the all in all!!

So, the next time you begin to feel like you don’t have much to offer in the way of life, YOU DON’T!  But you have Jesus, and He is everything we need to live the abundant life.  Also, use the deaf ear when the enemy tries to lie to you about who you are because you are a child of the King!!!  NUFF SAID!!

The Pilgrimage continues….

David Warren

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