I love bread way too much for my own good. When we lived in Pleasanton, California there was a french bread store in one of the strip malls nearby and when I walked in to see a wall full of different kinds of bread, I almost freaked out!! BREAD, BREAD, BREAD. I love it. Jesus used an illustration of a "better" bread that was available for all who would partake of it. The bread Jesus was talking about was Him—eternal bread. But unlike the bread we eat, it is The Bread of Life. The following verses speak to Jesus being The Bread of Life and He explains what He is saying to them and to us about what that means. John 6:35 Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. 36 But you haven’t believed in me even though you have seen me. 37 However, those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them. 38 For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will. 39 And this is the will of God, that I should not lose even one of all those he has given me, but that I should raise them up at the last day. 40 For it is my Father’s will that all who see his Son and believe in him should have eternal life. I will raise them up at the last day.” 41 Then the people began to murmur in disagreement because he had said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.” 42 They said, “Isn’t this Jesus, the son of Joseph? We know his father and mother. How can he say, ‘I came down from heaven’?” 43 But Jesus replied, “Stop complaining about what I said. 44 For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up. 45 As it is written in the Scriptures, ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me. 46 (Not that anyone has ever seen the Father; only I, who was sent from God, have seen him.) 47 “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes has eternal life. 48 Yes, I am the bread of life!49 Your ancestors ate manna in the wilderness, but they all died. 50 Anyone who eats the bread from heaven, however, will never die. 51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; and this bread, which I will offer so the world may live, is my flesh.”
Do you see His truth? Why not? Jesus totally clarifies what He means and what it means to us. JESUS IS OUR LIFE!! Without Him, we do not live. Really live!! What ingredients are in this bread of life. 1. Perfection. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice. Hebrews 9:11 So Christ has now become the High Priest over all the good things that have come. He has entered that greater, more perfect Tabernacle in heaven, which was not made by human hands and is not part of this created world. 12 With his own blood—not the blood of goats and calves—he entered the Most Holy Place once for all time and secured our redemption forever. 2. Love - God's is love. 1 John 4:9 In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. 10 In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us. 3. Sacrifice. Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice. Galatians 1:4 Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live. 5 All glory to God forever and ever! Amen. There is so many more ingredients in this bread of life, Jesus. Trust me, this Bread of Life is all you need for true peace and completeness. Let me rephrase that. Trust the Word of God. I am flawed at best, but the Word of God is perfect in every way, and Jesus is the Word of God.
If you study this Word, you will see more deeply the ingredients in the salvation offered by God, and that study will give you a clear insight into what happens when you give your life to Jesus, The Bread of Life. Today is the day of salvation, and I pray you will admit your sinful condition, repent, and receive Jesus by faith. If you do that today, please text me at 256-405-3800, and I will commit to disciple you in the truth of God's Word and help you see what to do next. 2 Corinthians 6:2 For God says, “At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.” Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation.
Today's Message,
David Warren