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Institutioned Not Inspired

Writer's picture: David WarrenDavid Warren

1 Thessalonians 1:3 –” We continually remember before our  God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”  

When was the last time you were really inspired to do something great in your life?  To step out and, by faith, trust God and do a really God-sized act?  If it has been a while then you have probably fallen into what I call “institutionalized Christianity.”  We see way to much of that kind of Christianity today in our churches and actually, we foster that kind of faith by doing nothing to challenge believers to greatness.  You may say, “what is greatness?”  Greatness is that thing you do that sets you apart from others by your actions, not your words.  It means you live out your faith every day as, what the Bible calls, a disciple; a person who walks with Jesus.  It’s not how big you are, or how well you are liked, or how big or trendy your church is.  It is who Jesus is in your life and how you are living that out by action every day.  We don’t even have to get “super spiritual” about it.  We just need to know that it is all about Jesus and no one else.  That kind of greatness is the kind of faith that makes an impact in the world we live in and sets things into motion that leads others to Christ.  Greatness comes from inspiration.  The word inspire means to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence.  To produce or arouse, and to influence or impel.  We just don’t see that kind of faith anymore in our churches, in our pulpits, or really anywhere.  We have become institutionalized in our lifestyle and it has caused our faith in Jesus to be replaced with our thoughts about Jesus.  The personal relationship has been replaced with a very impersonal way of perceiving the one who has saved our soul from hell and eternal fire.  Yep…I wrote that…FIRE.  We have become so numb to the prospect of  inspiration we cannot even think in clear terms about it to the point of getting back to it again.  We have become mesmerized by the thought of Christianity and the perception we have about our faith, but none of that is real and relational.  Just think about the concept of the Son of God coming to this earth and being born of a virgin and living a life as fully God and fully man!!  Just think about the nastiness of living and walking on this sinful earth that shakes a bony fist at our creator with almost every breath we take.  Of being unjustly accused and convicted of a crime that was no crime at all and then being crucified for the whole thing; all the time loving those who were crucifying you.  Now if that doesn’t affect your thinking about serving God, then you don’t know Him at all.  Nope…you don’t.  Don’t make excuses.  He is not your savior.  The thought of Him is  your salvation and that thought will get you a front row seat on the next train to hell.  So many churches have been established on that thought and now they are closing down one by one as the worldly juice that keeps them open runs out into the streets with no inspiration to do anything more than ATTEND.  And the end result is a church building that has become the saving faith of those who attend, but in the end it won’t save anyone…. no one!  Our world has dumbed down our faith to point of control by getting us to huddle in our church buildings and that has made us feel “good enough.”  We have been taught to celebrate death more than life and we actually are pretty good at celebrating it in our church buildings.  This last statement is the most dangerous.  We have been TAUGHT!!  In the context I say it makes it sound like we have been programmed and that is exactly what has happened.  I used to think it was my denomination that was the culprit, but it is all denominations, and even the ones who like to think they aren’t denominations (ain’t no such thing).  This attitude about church life and about Jesus that lacks inspiration is something even felt by those who start new churches. They think they are doing something earth shattering to get away from old, dead traditions, but give them a few years and they will have them a whole new set of traditions in their church starts.  It’s not about old or new.  It’s about doing the work of the Savior.  In Matthew 28:19 Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”  Mission organizations love to use this scripture as if it was their own.  It is not just for those going to another country on mission.  It is for us………serving…..inspired……on fire.  We are those missionaries and it is right where we live and function that this mission work takes place.  But, not if we aren’t inspired to do it.  And apparently we aren’t.  There are many churches that are closing their doors every day because of their lack of being on mission for Christ.  That’s not the worst of it though.  It is the ones who are thriving at doing nothing that are the problem.  Those that are thriving, doing the wrong thing are much more destructive that those who are dying from a lack of caring and serving.  Why?  Because they are making disciples who think the same way.  It’s not about church growth.  It is about “walking with God” and the impact that has on those who come in contact with you.  Do you inspire others to GREATNESS?  If Christ is your true inspiration, then you will.  The result will be lives that have been radically changed and taught to “be the church” wherever they go.  Those people will never let mediocrity raise it’s ugly head  in the church and they will push all barriers that keep them from living that inspired life for Christ.  So, the question is “do  you live an institutionalized faith or an inspired faith?”  Today is the day to find out and start allowing God to take your inspiration, Jesus Christ, and make Him known through who  you are in Him.  The results will be astounding..  Jeremiah 29:11  “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

The Pilgrimage continues..

David Warren

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