When was the last time you really thought about what you received when you accepted Christ into your life? Of course, we have forgiveness of sins, a righteousness that comes from God, abundant life and the other promises from our loving Heavenly Father. A part we may miss if we don’t look close is in the area of sonship. You know, sons and daughters of God, our Father. In fact, in Romans 8:15, Paul shares with the Christians in Rome about the intimacy of our relationship with God and just how close it is to be by presenting the words Abba Father. This relationship that sometimes we try to keep so far is really a very close relationship. Is this important? It was important enough for Jesus to give His life. To make us co-heirs of life eternal with the Heavenly Father had a huge price and we live every day knowing that we have that inheritance.
How does that translate to us as worship leaders? It spurs us on to never take our salvation for granted by distancing ourselves from God. In fact, it does the opposite. It compels us to draw closer and closer to Abba Father and learn from Him through His Word. Honestly, we couldn’t get away from the constant drawing God puts in each of us through the Holy Spirit if we wanted to! Verse 16 says, “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.” God’s children! Wow! That should compel us to run to Him for guidance, encouragement and direction, and to lift up His name in jubilant praise. That is exactly what should happen every time we lead others in heartfelt worship. And by the way, those who know Jesus will respond.
The old chorus “Pass It On” holds a lot of truth for how we should present God as believers. We need to be excited about the ongoing changes God is making in our lives to make us more like Him. We need to encourage others to embrace the promises of God and live in the joy of their salvation. We need to celebrate the inheritance we have as children of God, whether there are good times or bad. We just keep on praising because He is worthy of that praise. As the chorus says, “It only takes a spark to get a fire going.” The Lord in your life is that spark! Receive the good news and celebrate the inheritance. Then share the good news. He is alive, forever, AMEN!
Lighting the match,
The Pilgrimage continues….. David Warren