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Higher Learning??

Writer's picture: David WarrenDavid Warren

You See. But Do You Understand?  As we see the world churn out yet another reality for believers to chew on; the point in case…..Universities.  Our Universities, or schools of higher learning, seem to be showing themselves for what they truly represent.  People who go to classes to expand their knowledge and have hardly any understanding of how to apply it or gain wisdom from it.  Everyone has different perspectives on our Universities and the ongoing belief that a person is qualified for a job because of their going to some classes over a period of four years might not be working out so good right now.  Anything without God in the middle of it will fall like a stack of cards, and our secular, and sometimes Christian Universities are showing their true colors in the midst of trying to get some control on morality.

The Psalmist in Psalm 119:33-40 speaks to a higher learning that is not only good for now, but for every day you take a breath until you die.  Long term is what we call it and long term is what the wisdom in this scripture is all about.  For you see the Word of God is the ultimate higher learning from the highest source ever….God.  I remember my Psychology 101 class because the instructor, who was a female, called each of us into her office to, I guess, analyze us.  She asked me some weird questions about my inner thoughts and then went on to tell me that all men have homosexual tendencies, so I needed to know that in order to face the reality of that fact.  To which I replied in my dumbfounded voice.  NOT ME!  She went on to explain why this was true and I left there a little bit confused, thinking why am I here?  What good is this stuff?  If I treated her information as being correct and a result of higher learning, then I might have pursued a lifestyle that was totally contrary to the Word of God.  I took what she said with a huge mound of salt and transferred out of her class, to the tune of a $30.00 transfer fee.  Yay!  It was worth the money to be free of someone wanting to indoctrinate me to follow their thinking.  Now, I must ask you. Is that Higher Learning?  I think not.  My college experience experience eroded from there on and all that was being spoon fed to me went in one ear and out the other.  I was not impressed with the world’s attempt to teach me knowledge.

The Bible on the other hand, has always had plenty to say to help me grasp reality and move through this thing called life.   The very purpose behind the teachings in the Bible are made to equip me to learn more about the perfect being and learn how to handle things from perfect wisdom.  Did you get that???? PERFECT!!  For me semesters of learning turned into moment by moment interactions with the God of the Universe.  All of this made possible through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.  When I accepted Jesus, God gave me a source of comfort, correction, wisdom, and purpose called the Holy Spirit.  Here are some of the ways that the Psalmist approached God about His teaching Him.  Psalm 119:Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes, And I shall observe it to the end. 34 Give me understanding, that I may observe Your law And keep it with all my heart. 35 Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, For I delight in it. 36 Incline my heart to Your testimonies And not to dishonest gain. 37 Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, And revive me in Your ways. 38 Establish Your word to Your servant, As that which produces reverence for You. 39 Turn away my reproach which I dread, For Your ordinances are good. 40 Behold, I long for Your precepts; Revive me through Your righteousness.  For every appeal by the author for wisdom to the Heavenly Father, God supplied without equal.  God is watching and God is responding.  Don’t believe the world and all of it’s lies about where true knowledge comes from.  It only comes from the Word of God.

If you are so immersed in the worldly perspective about true knowledge that you cannot see that, then you need to have a change of heart and a change of perspective.  You need to realign yourself with the Word of God and then you will know pure, perfect truth.  Not from the teachings of some fallen human, but from the perfect one Himself….God.  If we want higher learning, then we need to get it from the highest source and that would be Almighty God.   Time to quit letting the world give you your perspective on life and get with the real life giver.   If our colleges would have realized this years ago, then we wouldn’t be having the riots we have today.  We serve a God of peace and purity, and He is the One we need to turn to for answers.  The knowledge of this world leads to death, but the wisdom from God leads to life.  Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.  Mar 8:36 36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  Do any of these scriptures ring a bell for you?  God is the ultimate higher learning center for anyone who is searching and He is where pure wisdom comes from.

The Pilgrimage continues..

David Warren

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