Psalm 119:89 Forever, Lord, Your word stands in heaven. 90 Your faithfulness continues throughout generations; You established the earth, and it stands.
Here is the Message Bible Translation of Psalm 119:89-90 What you say goes, God, and stays, as permanent as the heavens. Your truth never goes out of fashion; it’s as relevant as the earth when the sun comes up. Your Word and truth are dependable as ever;
If you have ever played on a pile of dirt you have probably played "King of the Mountain!" King of the Mountain is where one person gets on top and stays on top as long as they can as others try to knock them off. I will tell you right now there have been plenty who have tried to disprove, disavow, and dethrone our God, but it has not happened yet, and it will not happen. Our God is the King of Kings and the real King of the Mountain. In fact, He can move the moutain itself, but do we really believe it? We should never doubt the Lord our God and always still believe that what He did in early Bible times can still be done today. Bryan and Katie Torwalt have a song that speaks to this very subject. I have listed some of the lyrics. Remember - How quickly we forget the God Who lives in every day. How easy to lose sight that you reside in the mundane. How quickly we forget the power that's running through our veins. The kind of power that empties graves. And oh my soul remember who you're talking to the only one who death bows to. That's the God who walks with you.
So, when you lift your prayers to Almighty God just remember who you are praying to and how powerful God STILL is. He is more than just words that talk about His power. He is the reality of real power and that power is still working today, so tap into it and see God move as never before. If you will believe in the power of God to do miracles then you will join with many others who know Him very personally through Jesus and still believe He is a wonder-working God. Job wrote these words in Job 36:22-24 22 God’s power is unlimited. He needs no teachers 23 to guide or correct him. 24 Others have praised God for what he has done, so join with them. We get in trouble when we try to explain away God's power and then we begin to look like we are relying on ourselves, which is the way of the world. That won't work.
God is the King of the Mountain, so don't listen to those who are trying to dethrone Him because it will not end well for them.
The Pilgrimage Continues......
David Warren